Evaluation Request Settings

myTIPreport allows evaluations to be requested by learners or administrators. There are a few settings that affect how the requests behave. To control the settings, click on Admin in the menu and then navigate to Request Settings under the Request Management heading.

Request Expiration

To prevent stale requests from building up, requests will automatically expire after a certain time period. The default time period is 14 days. This setting can be changed by modifying the value here:

Evaluation Request Expiration Setting

To completely disable expiration, set the value in this box to 0.

Request Reminders

Once a user has an open request assigned to them for a certain number of days, we'll send daily reminders to encourage them to respond to the request. The reminders come in the form of an email and an app push notification. By default, reminders are sent once a request has been open for 3 days. This can be changed via the following setting:

Evaluation Request Stale Setting

To completely disable reminders, set the value in this box to 0.

Request Response Expectations

To help increase participation, many programs choose to set an expectation for how responsive folks should be to feedback requests - as in, how many requests they should respond to, and how quickly they should respond to those requests. myTIPreport includes features to help program administrations manage this automatically.

Request responsiveness expectation settings

If the percentage is set to anything except 0% (which disables this feature), you'll see how each of your users are doing on the requests report, as well as how your program is doing all-up.

Requests report with expectation icons screenshot